The essay focuses on the theory, which forms a fundamental aspect in the development of the theory of artificial intelligence. The paper’s primary aim is to argue in favor of the Turing test as a strategic approach to testing human intelligence in a machine. Humans are different from machines since they have the ability to think and draw meaningful conclusions out of a situation (Yampolskiy, 2013). It is vital to critically examine the Turing test in a bid to ascertain its suitability in assessing whether a machine can think. The Turing test is a comprehensive technique that can be applied to determine whether a machine has human intelligence. One of the challenges posed by the excessive use of AI technology is on machines having the ability to function as humans. It is vital to note that the human mind is designed in such a manner that it can process information and make meaningful conclusions (Whitby, 1996). The 21 st century has seen a lot of technological developments, including the development of machines that exhibit human intelligence.